Updated version of this bookmarklet is here Twitter bookmarklet
What does this bookmarklet do?
You are reading a great article on the web or you found a great website. Now you want to share it with everyone on twitter. Just click on "TweetThis" bookmark in your bookmarks tab and it will take you to twitter with url already shortened with bit.ly.
Drag this Twitter Bookmarklet to your favorite browser's Bookmarks Toolbar.
Old: TweetThis Check out the latest one below.
UPDATED bookmarklet - includes page title in a your tweet.
New: TweetThisIf you want to view what it is doing, check this.
Source code:
javascript:function loadScript(scriptURL) { var scriptElem = document.createElement('SCRIPT'); scriptElem.setAttribute('language', 'JavaScript'); scriptElem.setAttribute('src', scriptURL); document.body.appendChild(scriptElem);}var url = 'http://api.bit.ly/shorten?version=2.0.1&login=bitlyapidemo&apiKey=R_0da49e0a9118ff35f52f629d2d71bf07&longUrl='+document.location;var longUrl=document.location;loadScript(url+'&callback=tweetme');function tweetme(json){var shortLink = json.results[longUrl].shortUrl;document.location='http://twitter.com/home?status=I+found+this+great+thing+'+shortLink}