Thursday, February 9, 2012

Cygwin: rebaseall utility

You may sometimes see cygwin error like this.
bash 4944 exception::handle: Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
emap to same address as parent

Short answer

To fix these errors, run these commands from your MS-DOS command prompt.
cd \cygwin\bin
PATH=. rebaseall -v

More Details

Rebaseall utility
Rebaseall utility should be available under /cygwin/bin/ directory.
To check if rebaseall is available or not. If it is available it will print something like this.
priyank@~:>which rebaseall

Only ash process is allowed to run rebaseall. Means you cannot run rebaseall directly from cygwin.
Open MS-DOS command prompt and follow these steps to to run rebaseall.
cd \cygwin\bin
PATH=. rebaseall -v